Message From The MHNA President


Welcome to Miller Heights Neighborhood Association

May 26, 2023

Welcome to the MHNA website, this is your source for updating your info in our online directory, access to the current and archive issues of the newsletter, and of course, renewing your annual membership.

The Miller Heights Neighborhood Association is not an HOA, we are a civic association formed over 20 years ago to address issues that affect the community and to further the interests of our family friendly community. We welcome your thoughts and comments on how we are doing and how you can best be served and serve our association.

With the help of your board and a core group of volunteers, MHNA has been able to perform many activities to support the community including: improving communication channels in the neighborhood, serving as a liaison with Fairfax County for various projects and initiatives, maintaining our entrance landscaping and signage, improving the safety of the neighborhood streets through traffic calming projects, and maintaining/mowing common areas along Miller Heights Rd. We encourage all residents to join MHNA with a small suggested annual donation of $20 to support these activities – you can pay more or less but we want you as a member to increase our community network!

We are always looking for volunteers to help keep the association going and advance our initiatives to be good stewards of the Difficult Run Stream Park, help our neighbors, and provide support to our community when the need arises.

We are your neighbors and dedicated to the new roles entrusted to us. Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions or concerns This is your association, we are your voice and take great pride in being able to affect change in our community and in Fairfax County.

With best regards,


Doug Shuster

President, MHNA
